
Бритни Спирс побрилась наголо. No comments.

@темы: всяко-разное

19.02.2007 в 22:33

what a weirdo!
19.02.2007 в 22:38

Leilani She is! I doubt she will ever come back as a successful singer.
19.02.2007 в 22:45

tvergirl2001 at this point, her ex-husband seems to be a much better fit to raise the kids. How is that possible??!?!?!

And as far as singing career, I think she's done!

Could it be possible she confused herself with Sinead O'Conner when she decided to get this hair-doN'T
19.02.2007 в 22:54

Leilani Yeah, you would think that instead of 24/7 partying she will behave and be a model mom (at least for now, until their divorce is final). Instead she is totally wild.
19.02.2007 в 23:00

tvergirl2001 yes, she's like a train wreck...it's horrible, but you just can't look away. :-(

Poor kids though!
19.02.2007 в 23:38

Yeah, the kids are the ones who suffering from her wild ways...
20.02.2007 в 14:54

Я не для того пришел в спорт, чтобы бегать!
И теперь видны ее забавные ушки.
01.03.2007 в 08:32

Не бегай от снайпера — умрешь уставшим. ©
а фотки без трусов все видели?))))
01.03.2007 в 20:19

Потамчик Ага, старательно искали, но нашли только одну, все остальные были заретушированы :(
01.03.2007 в 20:22

Не бегай от снайпера — умрешь уставшим. ©
tvergirl2001 держи, друг :-D

01.03.2007 в 20:45

Потамчик OOOO thanks! I am forwarding this to my husband :-D

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