
Самая вкуснющая шоколадка:

03.05.2005 в 07:10

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
03.05.2005 в 07:17

patrick313 :yes:
03.05.2005 в 07:19

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
i love their truffles!
03.05.2005 в 07:54

They melt in your mouth sooooo nicely...Yum!
03.05.2005 в 21:01

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
oh yeaeaaahhh!!!
03.05.2005 в 21:43

У меня сейчас дома три шоколадки с имбирем лежат...поэтому я не пополнила запасы Lindt вчера, а теперь жалею.
03.05.2005 в 21:48

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
lol....you should know better
03.05.2005 в 23:36

да...только вот в магазин из-за одной (двух...трех...) шоколадки идти в лом - я подожду до следующей недели.
04.05.2005 в 00:54

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
а зачем лишь одну-две покупать...набери уже на месяц вперёд и радуйся жизни с конфетой во рту :chups:
04.05.2005 в 01:04

Ага, на месяц вперед, тогда надо будет замок на холодильник вешать, я же сожру все за несколько дней ;-)
04.05.2005 в 01:07

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
тоже правда....я бы на первый день сожрал бы все конфеты :-/
04.05.2005 в 01:31

Я бы растянула дня на три...
04.05.2005 в 01:34

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
меня хватило бы лишь на оин день - я шолод люблю
04.05.2005 в 02:28

"шолод"? Что-то у тебя сегодня пальцы на нужные клавиши не попадают ;-)
04.05.2005 в 07:39

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
денёк такой :-(

одни опечатки сегодня
04.05.2005 в 07:47

отдохнуть надо, массажик там, спать пораньше лечь...
04.05.2005 в 07:50

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
хотелось бы иметь кого-нибудь рядом кто бы мне массаж делал :)
04.05.2005 в 08:01

Мой муж каждый вечер получает feet rub,hands rub and head rub
04.05.2005 в 08:19

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras

lucky bastard! :-D
04.05.2005 в 08:33

Yep, he is:) and I am happy about this!

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