I love my husbnad. He always finds right words for me at the right moment...Just when everything gets totally hectic, everybody wants something from me, I feel that I have to be at three places at the same time, he comes up, hugs me and says "I just had an urge to tell you how much I am in love with you, how wonderful you are and how much I appreciate all you are doing for us..." Murrr...that melts my heart, makes me absoultely happy, and I don't even feel tired anymore.

12.07.2005 в 09:23

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
I'd turn gay just for him :-D

but seriously, that's great - he's definately one of the kind.
12.07.2005 в 09:26

I'd turn gay just for him

He is not interested in sweet boys...

he's definately one of the kind

12.07.2005 в 09:28

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
He is not interested in sweet boys...

DOH!!!...he got a sister maybe? ;)

Hang on to that man!
12.07.2005 в 09:32

he got a sister maybe

yes, she is in Texas, her second husband is a NASA scientist and they have cute son who is very smart for his age...

Hang on to that man!

You bet!
12.07.2005 в 09:34

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
NASA? - must be a very smart guy
12.07.2005 в 09:38

He is. He is Hungarian, and is very nice. Teri (my sister-in-law) seems to be so happy with him.
12.07.2005 в 09:39

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
cool....seems like your family here is pretty happy =)
12.07.2005 в 09:40

You got it right! It's unbeliavable!

12.07.2005 в 09:41

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
no kidding....never seen anything like it
12.07.2005 в 09:44

Too bad there is no girls your age in this family...or you could be part of it ;-)
12.07.2005 в 09:47

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
...such a shame =)

I'll be alright over here then ;)
12.07.2005 в 09:51

...if you don't mind 115 degrees heat (but it's a dry heat!) - beacuse in summer everyone goes to nana's (my mother-in-law) house in Phoenix
12.07.2005 в 09:53

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
oh, I very much mind this kind of heat - I'm melting here in GA in the summer
12.07.2005 в 18:07

You know, it's not too bad...as long as you stay in the building with good A/C...
12.07.2005 в 23:07

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
well, if you have a building with good A/C you can live in Africa pretty nicely :tongue:
12.07.2005 в 23:20

patrick313 Right...but Africa-no, it's too far away :)
12.07.2005 в 23:25

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
...anyway, I'm more or less happy in GA ;)
12.07.2005 в 23:54

Did Dennis do any damage?
12.07.2005 в 23:56

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
not around our place =)

there are some flooded areas (homes, cars, creeks letting water out), but where I live the damage is limited to a few trees fallen down because of the wind
13.07.2005 в 00:33

That's good...
13.07.2005 в 00:54

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
yup, I'm glad I don't have to worry about flood - our house is kinda on the little hill
16.07.2005 в 10:40

Не бегай от снайпера — умрешь уставшим. ©
The nicest thing is, that you don't take that kind of attitude for granted, which in turn encourages your hubby to do for you even more...

(lucky for me he's not one of a kind :-D )))
16.07.2005 в 10:42

Не бегай от снайпера — умрешь уставшим. ©
А че вы, братцы, на инглише? Неужели в реале не хватает? :gigi:
16.07.2005 в 10:54

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras

вредная привычка на инглише болтать =)
16.07.2005 в 21:44

Потамчик The nicest thing is, that you don't take that kind of attitude for granted, which in turn encourages your hubby to do for you even more... Абсолютно верно!

А че вы, братцы, на инглише?

Как патрик верно подметил, "дурацкая" привычка...Просто иногда легче сказать по-английски, чем пытаться сообразить "как это будет по-русски" :)

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