Так хочется высказаться про иммиграционный закон, который губернатор Аризоны на прошлой неделе подписала, но не буду, пожалуй. Я очень злая по этому поводу.
What part of ILLEGAL don't they understand???
What part of ILLEGAL don't they understand???
Ну а я объявила бойкот Сан Франциско, теперь все свои покупки/закупки делаю в соседних областях.
But can you imagine that some Arizona representatives call to boycott Arizona? Who are they working for???
I don't understand how anyone can argue against the rights of the country to protect its borders, all other countries do that, why not the US? And when the feds fail to enforce the law they have on the books, what's a state like Arizona to do?!
Absolutely! All of the opponents out there trying to tell what a horrible disaster this law will be, but I bet they did not even read the bill. It is only 16 pages and majority of it is already existing laws.
Кристина постоянно гладит Максима, приносит ему одеяло и накрывает =)
а вообще, малый немного неспокойный (acid reflux). По ночам плохо спит, но зато набирает вес хорошо (ттт). Не высыпаемся, но держимся
how's your little one?
Well, hope things come down soon, or become a little more routine... get some sleep!
you want a girl or boy?
My doctor will be looking into that again next week, for confirmation.
There are some interesting pages in support of AZ that provide daily updates on the news connected to immigration/border control. Today's is particularly interesting, since Calderone's visiting the White House.
Did you hear that AZ told LA they will turn off electricity and water that they provide to LA???
And Obama embarrassed himself and the nations with his kissing butt antics today.