
Всю дорогу домой сегодня мечтала о шоколадном мартини...(1 часть ванильной водки, 1 часть ликера Godiva, 1 часть ликера Frangelico) - и сейчас сижу наслаждаюсь им...Еще одна "dream come true"

29.04.2005 в 23:18

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
неплохо :)
30.04.2005 в 01:11

patrick313 Ага!! :)

30.04.2005 в 01:52

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
надо будет и мне такое попробовать :)
30.04.2005 в 02:21

Не забудь край бокала шоколадным соусом обмазать...

Я вообще-то сладкое не люблю, но шоколад - вне конкурса!
30.04.2005 в 07:54

While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras

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